• Matcha is a type of Japanese green tea, finely ground from shade grown leaves for a vibrant green powder. With health benefits like improved metabolism, antioxidants, boosted mood, and caffeine for focus and energy, it's perfect for powering through your next match or a busy day!

    Hojicha is a roasted green tea. Made from the same leaves harvested in fall, hojicha has a lower caffeine content due to the roasting process, aids in digestion, and still contains antioxidants to protect you from free radicals. It’s the perfect post-match beverage or evening relaxer, offering a cozy finish to your day!

  • Ceremonial grade refers to the highest quality of matcha available, made from the youngest and most tender shade-grown leaves. To achieve this grade, the tea is harvested in spring, steamed, dried, separated, and ground into a fine powder to produce its vibrant green color, velvety texture, and complex flavor. This grade gets its name from traditional use in Japanese tea ceremonies.

    Since hojicha is not used for Japanese tea ceremonies, it can't obtain a ceremonial tea grade. Ours is a medium-light roast, perfect for drinking and baking. We are confident in our hojicha's quality, flavor, and texture because it is harvested and produced at the same organic tea farm!

  • We offer free shipping on all orders. In stock orders are processed within 2-3 business days so you can get your tea game on as soon as possible. You’ll get a tracking number when your order ships to follow your tea’s journey from our courts to your cup.

    We are currently shipping within the US only.

  • All sales are final.

    If you’re not satisfied with your order, just drop us a line within 30 days. Our friendly team is always ready to rally for you!